Miss Akwa-Ibom Anniversary Queen Releases Cute Photos

While the whole Internet is agog over a "yet to be verified" randy video of a 2015 Beauty Queen from the Eastern part of Nigeria, Another Queen; Miss Ekaette Utip who is the  2016 Miss Akwa-Ibom Anniversary Queen released some inspirational words alongside so captivating photographs for her fans.

In her words as posted on Facebook:

Smile. Breath. Live
A smile does not only make you beautiful, it also warms the heart/soul of the people around you. A mother's smile warms the heart of her children, a Queen's smile captivates the minds of her people, Friend's smile and the world goes round. In all that you do, SMILE.

Breath, just breath and live. Life may not present the best opportunities now, but you can use the opportunity you have now the best way you can. When things do not work out, BREATH! When life knocks you down, RISE UP AND LIVE!

Best regards
Ekaette Utip


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