A call for Biafra, How Feasible?

What these people fail to realize is the shame and ridicule the biafra movement has become ever since Nnamdi kanu was discovered to be a fraud and arrested by the Nigerian government. Right to self determination is a treasonable offense against the Nigerian state because it's not captured in our Constitution. It is totally illegal for any region or group of people to demand seccession from Nigeria. The penalty would have been death if we were in a military regime. The Indian government recently opened fire on secessionist in the Kashmir region of India just to serve as a deterrent to future agitators. Despite having a referendum, Scotland chose to remain in the UK cos they for-saw their impending doom if they decide to leave. The Spanish government have disregarded several calls for catalonia to break away from spain. Russia recently annexed crimea from Ukraine after the crimeans got tired of life outside the soviet Union. The people of South Sudan are regretting their decision to leave Sudan till today and yet the Igbo's are hell bent on having biafra despite all the glaring indices of an impending failure if biafra is ever achieved. No country in the world wants a break away of its territory. Even the United States that preaches freedom disregarded Texas's call for seccession. The reason for seccession of the Igbo's has not been clearly defined. The fruitless agitations is fuelled by hate and jealousy of other region's political stability and doggedness. Their political miscalculations in the last elections gave birth to the recent biafra calls headed by the disgruntled element called Nnamdi kanu who was feeding fat on the Biafran sentiment before been apprehended. The British saw a potential in our diversity before merging us together as a united Nigeria and every sane mind believes the future of the Igbo's lie in nigeria. What we need is a united south and we will wrestle political power away from Northern monopoly who sees power as their birth right. Will the Igbo's ever work with bourdillon to achieve a united south? Time will tell. Say no to biafra, God bless Nigeria
I ignored him when he started his tales of Isrealites and Egypt instead of a comprehensive analysis on how the biafra will come to be. Their arguments is always based on sentiments and religious bigotry. No wonder the biafra agitations is not close to fruition. U need to listen to radio biafra and hear the Nonsense they spew every second. Al they know is to insult Nigerians, the president and call on chukwu okike abiama to give them biafra. No mission, vision and objectives as to why and how their biafra will be achieved. I consider them clowns seeking attention. Separatists movements are usually led by intellectuals who have a template and blue print of what the break away nation would look like. See how Lee Kuan yew transformed Singapore from nothing to world class. Ask Nnamdi kanu his mission for biafra and hear his hoards of IPOB yoots rain insults on you and call u yoloba. I see their agitations as mere comic relief


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